Thursday, December 22, 2016

Letter to freshman (and technically everyone in high school I guess)

Wow. You've gone through 9 or more years of this educational system and finally made it here. High school. The supposed best 4 years of your life. I made the mistake of rushing through my first two years, so I thought I might share some lessons I've learned so far, and hope that it helps you guys.
    Lesson #1 : High school is what you make it to be.
     Depending on who you talk to high school is either really fun, really challenging, or really bad. Despite popular belief sometimes it's not the schools doing; it's yours. There are tons of choices you make in high school to determine how it's going to be. These can include the classes you take, the people you hang out with, and the things you do. One of the best things about high school is that you have 4 years to try and find the right combination. Very few people actually find the right combo freshman year, so don't worry about it. You have three other years to figure it out.
      Lesson #2 : Don't let fear rule your life.
I know this probably goes for regular life also, but I couldn't stress it more. Sometimes you won't want to do something because you don't think it will end well. I can assure you that if you don't try, you won't know. There is no thinkable number of things people don't do because of fear. For guys a big one is not asking that girl to a dance or a date, for girls it may be trying a new sport or hanging out with a new group of people. Bottom line is that if you let fear rule you decisions, you won't get the best high school experience.
   #Lesson 3: Find Something that calms you down.
Inevitably (big word, I know) stress will get to you. A good example is around finals week (or when you have 9 pages of a 12 page research paper due the next day. :) ) There are so many things that can calm a person down. Tackling someone, shooting a ball into a ball or basket, playing various instruments, making videos, or even finding that one friend to vent to can all calm you down. When you need it that reliever will be there.
            #Lesson 4 : Don't get hung up on that one person.
   So many people believe they have to be in a relationship during high school, so they find that one person they "love". Some people don't move on for a long time. One thing many people have to discover is that by being single you can essentially go on dates with multiple people. So really getting hung up on that one person, (unless it works out very well, the I applaud you.) is the wrong move.
             #Lesson 5 : Time is fleeting
  Finally I believe this tip is the most important. This is also part of why number 4 is a tip. Your time in high school is not going to last forever. Make the most of the moments that surround you everyday. I'm not telling you to tell the​ future off. The future is still very important, but sometimes you need to forget the future for a minute. The classes,  teachers, classmates, and even rooms won't always be there. More importantly, you won't always be there. Sometime soon (whether you think so or not...) you will be leaving high school. You'll be leaving the town you've always known. So before you get caught up in all the future might hold, take a look around, laugh a lot, play around, and more importantly don't pass up opportunities to have fun.