Wow. I'm writing this just a few hours after the class of 2017 has graduated and all I have to say is wow. These people are people that I've seen almost everyday for at least 3 years. I thought they would be the class that wouldn't affect me;however, they have done quite the opposite.
The class of 2016 was obviously a really good class in all versions of the word. I never thought that I would miss another class as much as them. As usual, I was wrong.(it seems to become a trend now.) The first day this year I was hanging out with Tony before school, having lunch with Courtney in William's room, and practicing soccer with Goggles. (For those of you who don't know, Goggles is actually Andrew Kristofferson,but he always wears sports goggles, so that's where the nickname came from.) I came into to the year thinking that Becca would be my only attachment. As time went on events happened, and I ended up confiding in some of the seniors. When Cortez got arrested, Tony and I talked about it a lot, and it still comes up every once in a while now. When my grandma was first diagnosed with cancer this fall, one of the first people I talked to about it was Courtney. As the time grew so did the relationships and the levels of trust. I can honestly say that there are very few things that I would not tell to any of my now graduated friends. It's kinda funny how fast something can become normal, like Courtney and Tony's relationship, or my routine with seniors. I'm going to miss seeing them everyday. Whether it's not hanging with Tony before school, not messing with Kayla and Courtney during 3rd hour, not asking Mak how she is or if she's okay during lunch, or even just listening to Leia complain about something during yearbook, everyday is going to seem a little empty now. All of those will be memories that I hope to not forget anytime soon. While I might have wished to leave somethings on better terms with at least one of you, I am ready. I am ready to see what you accomplish outside of MHS. I have a feeling great things will come from the class of 17, and I am ready to see them happen. And if anything happens and you need someone to talk to, or even to just listen, I will be open and available to you just like you were to me. Love you/ Miss you/ Don't be a stranger/any other ending you think fits here!