Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Shattering Terrorist Myths in the U.S

So today I ask you a question: How are these terror attacks becoming such a common thing? Ever since 1999 it seems like the U.S. is littered with attacks. Today we are going to break some of the terror myths.
"Terrorist only work in large groups like Isis, and AL Qaeda."  The main problem with these attacks is that they are leaning less from a group or country, and more to fed up individuals.  According to in a time period of just a few years 63 incidents were associated with groups like the Islamic state, while Right wing extremist (mostly white supremacist) were responsible for 116 attacks in the same amount of time. That is almost double the amount of the group incidents. Also 76 % of Islamic attacks were reported thwarted compared to 35% of the extremist attacks. What am I saying here? I'm saying that because they don't work with a select known terrorist group, they are a lot harder to identify, and are having more attacks. So let's just call that myth done.

"Terrorist are only from other countries"  116 attacks were from U.S citizens with extreme political leanings. U.S. Citizens.

"Terrorism just suddenly appeared." There have been small terrorist attacks throughout U.S. history. No one really thought too much about it until 9/11. It is kinda like racism. It still existed after the 1960s political movements, but because people have only until recently (I say that term loosely) been able to get their thoughts out through social media, and have gotten more aggressive about it. It still existed it just wasn't widely broadcasted.

So the real question is why do we feel like we have to hurt people who don't agree with us?  How can I explain this to my younger friends? How about to my future kids? What if they are gay? How do you explain this as if its normal? We need to learn to settle our differences non-violently. We need to push our law makers harder to get something done about guns.(I'm not liberal or conservative on this issue, I just know something needs to be done.) We need to teach our people that this isn't right. Because a lot of this stuff can be chalked up to how people were raised. We need to get back to being okay with different opinions, and welcome debate. We need to stop putting off these things, otherwise this issue will never get better. There will always be disgruntled people, but we need to teach them, that this behavior helps almost no one. That the biggest thing they change is the amount of people in a family, and where people can live. We as a country need to learn how to get along together again. Otherwise we might be another short lived Roman empire. We will collapse on ourselves.