Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Death: The Key to a better life

I know. This title seems like an oxymoron. How can death of all things, lead to a better life? Well death is something nobody ever wants to talk about. Death is one of those thing that everyone knows about, but no one wants to bring it up. Its become taboo. Typically in history;however, when humans address taboo subject, something major happens.
Now it might seem like I have gotten off topic, but if you are reading this far, then you are the intended audience.

The other day I had a conversation with my father about the effects of his father's death back in November. Neither one of us has been in a great place since this event because his father meant everything to our family. We talked about how we craved using our time importantly, and how we get frustrated when people are ignorantly using their time. There were other things, but we will save that for another post.

Time has become more of a precious commodity for me. You see as much as we wish, time is something we can never get back. Its never something we can redo. Every passing second is cemented in time. Now you might be asking, where did this come from. See you don't realize how much time you have, until you see someone else's, or possibly your own, gone. This will send a wake up call to you. How are you using your time? I know its not possible or even healthy to be doing something 100% of the time. But how often are we trying to multitask while watching TV? How often are trying to talk to some one we love in person, while snapchatting,  or playing on phones?

Another thing we learn is that emotions are temporary. So often we hold on to bitterness and hate. For me it was with my parents for the longest time. This sends the question of: how many things do I want to leave unresolved in this world? There will never be enough time to apologize for everything, and to everyone. How many people have you treated wrong in the last month? Now this is not a question to hurt you and undermine you, but to make you think. How many friends have I left angry? How many relatives have I made feel unloved? What was the last impact you made on a person?

Now it may sound wrong, but I wish everyone would experience a death not of their own in their life time. Because maybe if they did, we would have a better world. Not perfect, but better. You know it doesn't take death to make these lifestyle changes. It is just a sad fact that no one lives like this until death is brought into the picture. So with all of this talk, I just have one question. How are you living?